Thursday, April 25, 2013

That One Person

My Grandma

She is not only the best grandma around, but also an amazing person.
Her name is Pauline. I was lucky enough to be given it as my middle name. She will be 91 in August. I live about 20 steps from her front door.

My grandma gives everyday her biggest smile and whole heart.
She goes to bed early and rises when the sun does, like a true farmer's wife I suppose.
Breakfast is on the table when my dad, uncle and I come in after chores, all made from scratch; pancakes, eggs, bacon, oatmeal, blueberry muffins. Cooking has always been her joy in life, luckily eating has always been mine! :) Her chocolate cake is my favorite. I didn't even know pancakes and cakes were made out of a box until I was 12! She doesn't make lunch much anymore, but she's 90, we tell her she can do whatever she wants.

My grandma never says anything bad about anyone and always turns to God for advice.
My grandma tells me it can always be worse, no matter how bad it gets. She is a constant reminder of great of a life I have. 
My grandma is my entire life. Her silly laugh and smart a** comments can make a smile break out onto my face in one giggle. 
My grandma sends cards nearly everyday, usually with words of wisdom, never just a generic signature. 
My grandma never forgets a birthday or to ask how you are doing. The only time you'll see her look sad is if you don't eat any of her cookies, cake, or pancakes.

If I can grow up to have her heart, faith, wrinkles and positive attitude my life will be complete. She raised 5 kids and many grandchildren all while keeping house and helping on the farm. 
I hope those are the reasons wrinkles begin to form and my hair turns grey. 

Me: Grandma I don't need another cake (after I finished a whole cake in less than 24 hours and she offered to make another). Three cups of sugar is not good for my health.
Grandma: Oh Amanda! It's only two cups of sugar!

Grandma: Well I figured I better make a chocolate cake incase the power goes out. We are gonna need something inside the house to make us smile with all this weather!

Follow your heart

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