Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Livin' the Life

Alright....I've decided I am going to write my "about me" post. For the simple fact that I don't know what this blog is going to be about or what my next post should be for that matter!

First things first: I started this blog because I need to write, I'm an average writer, I want to get better, practice makes perfect, and I'm not a diary girl. 

I don't want to share every time I do laundry. If you care that much about my life I guess you could ask...? So, my other option is to write something I'm passionate about. If you haven't already figured that out, it's agriculture. Specifically my cows  :)

Next conflict: Agriculture is my life. I live and breathe it everyday. To keep my personal life out of this blog and only write about agriculture is impossible.
I am a 21 year old UW-River Falls graduate as of December. I majored in Agricultural Marketing Communications with a minor in Dairy Science. However, my degree makes no indication of this. Pretty disappointing if you ask me! But I digress....I have been incredibly fortunate to have a family farm where I have been promoted from volunteer to (something close to) herdsman/manager....It only took 21 years....I am NOT girl that can sit around and do nothing. I would be more insane than I already am! Maybe a post dedicated to my farm is in order?...hmm...
I am job searching at the moment. I want to find something where I don't have to "go to work" everyday. I know what I like to do, what I don't. I just haven't found the right combination yet. 
So here is what I do to stay busy....
I was elected to church council
I substitute teach
I'm involved with the Farm Bureau Farming Today program
I work on the farm (responsibilities will be in a different post!)
at a restaurant (Wiederholts)
and have an internship with Group Leaf. 
Again, I don't like being bored :)

I'll share some pictures, I hear they are worth a thousand words, and I don't think you want to read that much. 
I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions to make this blog fantastic! I'll leave you with three quotes I have started to live by:

Everything in moderation
Strive for excellence not perfection
Stop talking and start doing

1 comment:

  1. Love the name of your blog, MooMoo Meadows haha fits you perfectly.

    Miss you bud
