Friday, May 3, 2013

This one is for the farmers!

Yes, this weather just plain sucks! I'm sure your thinking the same thing, but for a different reason.
I love spring, hearing the birds chirp, watching green grass grow and working outside (in sunshine and decent temperatures!) Oh, I also love the long days :)  

I always think its funny when the urban population complains about the nasty weather and 17" of snow in May. Okay, I know it sucks for you too, and you'd much rather be outside enjoying nice sunshine and green grass. I'm sure your drive to work is also no fun, probably not real safe either. That is one thing I am grateful I do not have to do every day!

However, for farmers, this snow makes a ton of extra work! So please, if you the worst thing you have to endure during this icky Spring is one or two lousy commutes, don't complain. Actually I shouldn't say that. The snow in general is not so bad. Neither is pushing it. We are pretty lucky we have tractors to push it around! But...that still doesn't eliminate shoveling away from all the doors (and there are many places the tractor can't get to), the melting snow that turns to mud, the extra bedding needed to keep the animals dry and the soaking wet clothes that won't even dry over night. 

The worst part though? 

1.) Many farmer's hay fields are dead. This is a huge problem because hay is a large portion of the cows diet. Meaning, many farmers won't have enough feed their cows. (More questions about this? Message me.) 
2.) They are out of bedding. We baled extra straw and cornstalks last year and we are still almost out! We can't very well just let the calves get wet and dirty, especially if the temperature drops. But when we are out of bedding what are we supposed to do? This is why farmers are the most creative people I've ever met. 

On the bright side:

1.) We aren't as bad off as many farmers. Especially ones that encountered the drought last year and are already short on many supplies (hay/straw.)
2.) The snow is better than rain. Hopefully it will soak into the ground and not just create mud like rain would do instantly. 
3.) During the Depression they had to cut trees down for the cattle to eat. It isn't this bad yet! :)

Thank you farmers for being creative and finding solutions even when it continues to poor! The animals depend on you and so does everyone that eats!!!

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