Monday, July 15, 2013

Build a Foundation, Plant the Seed, Nurture and Love

Things needed for a relationship with God. 
Life lessons.
and lastly, how to grow vegetables!!

Sorry folks, I know it has been a very long time since my last post. I have 0 excuses except that I just haven't felt like writing. But I'm back in action!

Back in June I took on the responsibility of building the Vacation Bible School (VBS) Community Garden. So, after four weeks of doing no planning and three days before it started I decided how I was going to make it all work!

1.) I wanted to try out my friend's & co-worker's pallet garden. I thought what a great opportunity, small, not a lot of weeding, and if it fails and nothing grows oh well!

2.) My goal-this kids that planted everything will harvest in the fall (Sunday School time) and then give the veggies to our wonderful community elders. 

3.) Now, here is where it got tricky...I had to do something....

The night before Mom and I assembled these soon to be gardens (sorry no pictures, I was too busy working and hurrying to go to bed). We stapled the cloth liner, ya know that stuff that doesn't let weeds through, on 3 sides of the pallet. Mostly though, we just fought with the stapler for 2 hours. 

Anyhow, this was our finished product the next day. Mom (ever so kindly) loaded up dirt and the other supplies and met me @ church. 

Besides only a few kids showing up and starting 15 minutes later than normal and not having any help or knowing what I was doing, it all went good!

Here is what we learned:

Day 1: Fill the pallet with soil: Start with a solid foundation
In order to love and have a relationship with God, we need to be ready and willing. At first the kids were a little hesitant to get dirty, but after a few started in they realized how much fun it really was. Relating it back...sometimes we have to go out of our comfort zone, take a risk, and just watch what beautiful things can grow from that


 Day 2: Plant the plants/seeds: Take the first step
Some things start as small as seeds, others are ready to be put in the garden as plants, already nurtured by someone else. We each have our own relationship with God, whether we know it has started or not...someone had to get the seed in the packet didn't they? Take the first step and plant your own piece of God in your heart. Maybe it is attending church, maybe it's talking with a friend about a problem you haven't admitted to. 

Day 3: Water plants: Continue to build and nurture your relationship
It isn't a one time deal. Plants don't grow without care. Yeah, it's okay to miss a day of watering (sshhh..I may have missed a couple :/), but as long as you keep coming back, they will continue to grow. Just like God will always be there no matter how many times you continue to mess up and you keep coming back for your drink of water. 

The kids had a blast, I learned something new and the plants are still growing a month later! :) PS this is the first garden I have ever grown!!!! And yes, I know, it needs to be weeded :(

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