Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Third Times the Charm?

Third time is the charm right? I hope so, because this is the third time I've tried to start and keep this blog going...

Now that I've moved away from the farm and am working for an ag marketing agency, I thought it would only be appropriate for my first blog post to be about the similarities and differences between my life now and what it was on the farm.

  1. I still get up before dawn...but now instead of easing into the morning milking, I go to the gym and pretend I'm throwing hay bales (or that's what it feels like....)
  2. I still milk cows. Let's be real, we all knew I couldn't give that up!
  3. I still talk a lot. Most of my conversations are just with myself now that I live on my own. Mom always said it's fine to talk to yourself. You don't have to worry until you start a conversation with yourself.
  4. My neighbor is still 5 feet from my just isn't my grandma or a cow fence anymore.
  5. Finally, I'm still doing something I'm incredibly passionate about.
  1. I can make it to the 8am Sunday service instead of rushing to the 10:30am.
  2. I have A LOT of me time. I still prefer the cow time.
  3. I milk Brown Swiss not my Holsteins. That's enough said for now...
  4. I can bike to the grocery store, work and gas station. No more of the 60 min drive to Coldstone. It is less than 10 miles people!!! :)
  5. My self discipline has increased greatly (refer to Coldstone comment.)
Well folks, hopefully this is the first post of many more to come. Although, I'm not sure what I will be writing about yet since it used to revolve around farm activities. Any ideas, shoot them my way!